Scripture Reading - Romans 14:17-19 KJV

17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
18 For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men.
19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

The people in the world today desire “peace” but only certain people understand that “peace” is a spiritual substance. We notice from verse 17 that “peace” comes from the Kingdom of God which basically means “peace” fills the atmosphere where God reigns as King. The thought of God’s leadership alone explains the reason so many people are without “peace” because spiritual “peace” requires God’s blessing. The Lord told us in verse 18 that serving Christ is a proposition for “peace”. The proposal is if you do God’s Will (or at least attempt to perform God’s Plan for your life) to the best of your abilities the Lord will manifest His Presence upon you which is “Peace”. Some have said, “Peace is God’s seal (fruit) of approval for your thoughts and actions”. This is why the scripture admonishes us to follow after the things which make for “peace” in verse 19 because doing what is right in God’s sight will produce godly results. To expand on the thought of things which make for “peace” it could be described as, “looking to do things that bring harmony as opposed to division”. Yes, producing strife with another works against the principle of following peace with all men. Peace cannot be copied by causal conversation it is rather accumulated through the process of being in fellowship with God. “Peace with People” involves taking the good things of the Lord that He placed inside of you and transferring those good things to others. Yes, thinking about God’s goodness will make it easier for you to be good others. Likewise, pondering the Word of God in the area of Love will develop your heart (your spirit) to love others. This “Peace with People” directly calls for a certain mindset which comes from the godly belief that “peace” is the pathway God has personally chosen for you. Some think that “peace” is result of prayer but prayer does not produce “peace” without God’s Word and Spirit, only God produces “peace”. Therefore, when your prayers are filled with God’s Word and His Praises - God's Peace will be present. We (ihlcc) believe there is a higher level of “peace” that you experience when you treat people right so that they can experience the same “peace” you experience. In the Kingdom of God it is always about people, not just one person, so “peace with people” should be a highly esteemed goal. So please remember that “peace” is a spiritual fruit from God that is developed in each believer by the Presence of God. This “Peace with People” is larger than an individual goal of abiding in “peace” because the scripture instructs us that we can do things that create (make for) “peace” when dealing with other people. Yes, we must start with God’s “peace” being first in us but hopefully we recognize that all people need God’s “Peace” to recognize God’s Presence in their life. The key is helping others to appreciate God’s fruit will keep you in the proper position of projecting God’s “Peace with all People” for the glory of God in Jesus Name. Amen!